New Member
I posted about this a while back to no avail, and it has come up again for me.
I am unable to use Game Capture or Window Capture to capture any 64 bit applications. Most recently, I downloaded ReCore, which is a 64 bit game, and it will not capture.
64 bit programs such as Chrome, Windows Explorer, Microsoft Edge and now ReCore all do not work.
Any ideas on how I can get 64 bit programs to capture?
I am unable to use Game Capture or Window Capture to capture any 64 bit applications. Most recently, I downloaded ReCore, which is a 64 bit game, and it will not capture.
- This occurs in both 32 bit and 64 bit OBS, as well as OBS Studio
- Running as administrator does not help
- Window Capture Compatibility mode does not help
64 bit programs such as Chrome, Windows Explorer, Microsoft Edge and now ReCore all do not work.
Any ideas on how I can get 64 bit programs to capture?