Question / Help Can't capture ReCore, other 64 Bit Apps


New Member
I posted about this a while back to no avail, and it has come up again for me.

I am unable to use Game Capture or Window Capture to capture any 64 bit applications. Most recently, I downloaded ReCore, which is a 64 bit game, and it will not capture.

  • This occurs in both 32 bit and 64 bit OBS, as well as OBS Studio
  • Running as administrator does not help
  • Window Capture Compatibility mode does not help
All 32 bit games, Firefox 32 Bit and Photoshop 32 Bit have been tested to run fine.
64 bit programs such as Chrome, Windows Explorer, Microsoft Edge and now ReCore all do not work.

Any ideas on how I can get 64 bit programs to capture?


New Member
I'm having the same issue. ReCore does not show up as a game under "Game Capture".

The only solution I've found is "Monitor Capture", but it streams fairly choppy. I'm very curious if someone has a better solution.


Active Member
Try to stick to OBS Studio for something like this, and ask for help on the OBS Studio-specific forum. OBS Classic isn't being actively developed and its most likely you can get help for an issue like this if you use OBS Studio, because it is being actively developed.


New Member
Thanks, I will check there. I haven't started actively using Studio yet because I didn't want to recreate my scenes, but if they can get 64 bit apps working, I'll switch instantly.