Bug Report Can't capture applications even when run as administrator


New Member
I followed what this error message told me to do, "These applications require administrator access to capture (start OBS as administrator to capture)" and it still doesn't show up. Currently the application im trying to stream is league of legends. I'm confused as too why this is, if anyone can get back to me with a solution that would be great. Thanks.


Re: Can't capture applications even when run as administrato

What this means is that OBS itself needs administrator access (not the programs being captured). You will need to start OBS by right clicking on the OBS icon and choosing the "Run as administrator" option in the pop-up menu. If that works for you, then you can edit the shortcut properties and set it to always run as administrator under the compatibility tab.


New Member
Re: Can't capture applications even when run as administrato

My bad, i wasn't clear, i did run OBS as administrator, not league,yet the same message continues to show up


Forum Admin
Re: Can't capture applications even when run as administrato

Make sure you don't have any 3rd party firewall / security / anti virus interfering.