Question / Help Cannot upload past 1079kb/s


New Member
Hello all,

When I first tried streaming i was having no issues and no lag. Now it will not pass 1079kb/s on uploading. my stream is constantly in the red with around 80% lost frames. i Play mainly planetside 2 and guild wars 2 and im having the same issue on both. i have my bitrate set to 3k and i have tried increasing and lowering and have had no success. i have a 67mb down and 12mb up connection so i know my internet should support it. i have tried everything i know of and nothing has worked. i have tried multiple east coast servers(since i live in florida) and nothing has worked yet. i had the issue in the past and it worked the next day fine so maybe its the servers im using? i stream on twitch. thanks for the help.

i7 3930k @ 4.6
gtx 680 4gb
16gb ram


  • 2013-07-27-1714-09.log
    5.2 KB · Views: 28


Well, if all else fails you could try starting from scratch, click the link in my signature and follow its steps and see if it improves.


New Member
Im sorry, I actually was using and THATS telling me im ay 65 down and 11 up. Why does your site say different? Tells me im at 1.3 up. Is that something with my provider? I pay for 50 down and 10 up so im very confused as to whats going on now lol. Thanks alot for the help:)


The way they test is different; SpeedTest's tests are more bursty in nature. So, over a short period and a fairly limited amount of data. Whereas NDT and's tests are more sustained.

What this means is that your connection's upload is fine for uploading small bits and pieces of information in bursts but does not hold up for longer periods of transmitting data.

You could also consider running ShaperProbe ( ... haperprobe ) to see if there is any specific traffic shaping taking place. Just to confirm it's your ISP that is indeed limiting your upload.


New Member
See in the past I had no problems. This just started for the first time recently and has been going on 4 days now. Im currently at my office but will run this once im home. If I run this and there is a 'traffic shaper' what do I do? Can I complain to my isp?


Well, if all else fails you could consider running the troubleshooting and startup guide in my signature; just to rule out any accidental misconfigurations on your part. However, as there is a very notable difference between the result of SpeedTest and the result of whichever one of the 2 (NDT/TestMy) you ran, it does suggest that it's your connection indeed. As a final confirmation you could make sure to run the other one to; of NDT or TestMy. Again, not sure which one you ran but just run the other one as well.

However and this is where I turn exceedingly cynical -- I don't think complaining to your ISP is going to do you any good. Given the fact the SpeedTest result is more or less along the lines of what you pay for they could simply start claiming that everything is fine and/or tell you you need to perform test <x> or <y> or whatever.

Trust me, I used to work at the support desk for one of this nation's largest ISPs, I know what goes on at an ISP.


New Member
I see what you mean. I will run these tests then. im almost certain that you are correct due to the facts so far but is there anything I can do? Software, hardware, anything? I mean im with comcast if that changes any thing and im pretty shocked they do this. Seems almost illegal. How are hard core streamers or people that make a living off streaming not running into this issue?


If your ISP is indeed somehow shaping your upload and/or limiting it there is literally nothing you can do on your end to change that. Other than seeking a different ISP.

And full-time streamers usually simply have better Internet connections and/or better ISPs. For example, I'm on a 150Mbit symmetrical line without any shaping of any kind, I just happen to have a good ISP. You should look around to see if there are better ISPs in your local area and truly do some research on those ISPs.

Assuming it indeed is the ISPs "fault".


Odd, i've got Comcast also and i'm getting 20MB down and 4.5MB Up on both NDT and Testmy. It's also the same on as it seems that they've made their packets a bit bigger now.

None the less, I'd definitely look into it and it's definitely not your PC and an ISP issue. I'd try rebooting the modem and router and see if that makes any differences because while Comcast does give you a bursty connection of Download/Upload, you should still be easily averaging above 5MB UP.


Well, yeah, a router/modem reboot could potentially do something. Although given the fact SpeedTest is still showing contract-like figures I'd find it unlikely it'd be that simple, but still, it doesn't hurt to try.

Just unplug the modem and router from their power supply, wait 30 seconds, plug them back in and wait for the restart/boot process to complete.


Yeah, it's pretty much one of the only things you really can do at the moment. It may or may not work but i figured that since speedtest is showing that you've got 10MB+UP and the others are showing 1MB... maybe a reboot on the hardware might do something.

Very awkward how it's reacting like that since it shouldn't be that dramatic of a change going from 10MB to 1MB lol.