Question / Help Cannot stream and record at the same time


New Member
I have been using OBS Studio (formerly OBS multiplatform) since last year from version 0.11.4 to today's 0.15.4.
Throughout the versions my desired 1080p streaming while 1440p recording did not work. I settled for 1080p streaming and downloading the result from twitch/youtube. The video quality was not very good but it was easy.
Today I wanted to start streaming a new game but wanted excellent quality for archivation. I did not want the clumsy OBS studio + old OBS combo.

I started using OBS Studio 64bit (I did not know OBS Studio had a 32bit shortcut by default) and now everything works as desired. So for everyone else, just use C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\bin\64bit\obs64.exe