Question / Help Cannot set sub-region without it resetting.


New Member
Whenever I try to set the sub-region for a window capture it doesn't save my settings. As soon as I click okay the sub-region returns to 0 by 0.

However if I set a monitor capture source and set the sub-region it'll work fine, it is only specific to window capture.

I also thought Roxio Game Capture HD Pro might be the issue due to it's problems with OBS but if I window capture any other window I run into the same issue. Not sure what the problem could be.

I am using OBS v0.50a


Forum Admin
Yeah, this is a known issue with 0.50b. There's a hotfix build in the works to address this and a couple other issues.


New Member
What version should I rollback to for now, 0.50a? Or is the issue in that version as well, thank you for the answer.

Offtopic: that name is nostalgic, have you ever been on renard's forum?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
known issue at the moment -- will be fixed. the value still should be saved so it still should be usable outside of that