Question / Help cannot record more than one audio track


New Member
thanks but I am using VLC and i have checked this many times. It is only recording one track. I can hear this and VLC tells me that there is only one track there


Active Member
With those settings i get 2 tracks. VLC will not play both tracks at once, you will have to switch to the second track.


New Member
yes VLC does show me that there are audio two tracks there, but there is no audio from track 2. It will only actually record an audio source that I assign to Track 1. Track 2 is just blank. No sound.

So you're saying I cannot create an mp4 file that will play the two audio tracks simultaneously? then what's the point of having the option to record more than one audio track?


Active Member
The point is to be able to seperate different audio sources in post-production.
Which sound was supposed to be on track 2? Was there any sound on that device, was the green volume bar moving in obs?


New Member
Ok I've got to admit I'm starting to think that i haven't thought this through and am realising how stupid i am when it comes to mp4 files...I was wanting to make a video using two separate audio channels (one for voice and one for instrument - real-time audio) but now I'm starting to think that I would have to record the two channels onto one track if I want them to play together. Is that right?

( and still regardless of that i cannot get OBS Studio to record 2 audio tracks - any but Track 1 comes out blank)


New Member
sorry - wrote that last one before I saw your reply....

I can understand what you're saying about being able to separate the audio sources....but can you combine them later into one mp4 (or similar) with video and sound from both channels?

and yes I do have green volume bar action for both devices in the mixer, AND i can record either one as long as I assign it to Track 1

i was doing this under the impression that although i would be recording both channels as separate tracks, they would magically play together in the mp4. thus it didn't reallty matter to me which was source 1 and source 2


New Member
maybe I do - thanks, I'll check that out.

Still my original problem has not been solved. on my computer OBS Studio will not successfully record more than one track per mp4 file ie in my mp4 file I only get sound from a track recorded on Track 1

can you help with this?

I have two audio devices: a c920 logitech cam mic, and a UR22 interface. If I just use one of these as my audio device, it records beautifully in either track 1 or track 2. Both work great by themselves in any track.

BUT If I put them both into audio devices it will only record whichever I have assigned to Track 1 (and I'm talking mp4 not flv)
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New Member
thanks for your help. I've had success. As long as I make sure every Track box (1-4) is ticked everywhere for everything (in settings and the mixer), it works beautifully. Maybe it got a bit confused as I guess that i might be using an unusual audio source...anyway thanks again
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New Member
yes I understood that, but in my previous unsuccessful attempts checking the file in VLC showed that only one track had been recorded, and (as I said) that was always Track 1 (no matter which device i assigned to it)

Anyway I've just realised that i haven't really solved my problem and that what I've done is record both channels onto one track (all four in fact) so I could equally well have just assigned both sources to Track 1 and I would have got the same result with a much smaller file.

Anyway. like I said, if assign each of my devices a different track it does not work so just putting them both into one is going to have to do for the moment.