Question / Help Cannot Move Camera


New Member
So I started using OBS recently. Almost everything is working properly. My only problem is that I cannot move my camera to the position I want it in. Before using OBS, I was using Xsplit. It was easy to re-size everything and move it around to your liking. I can't move anything on my screen in OBS. I added the camera source, and re-sized it through properties, but I can't move it to the bottom of my screen or anywhere for that matter. I combed the forums as well as searched the known bugs and FAQ, but to no avail. Anyone have any suggestions on this? Am I just overlooking something completely obvious?

If you want to see how my current setup is, this is my twitch channel: You can watch my previous recordings, and see where the camera is. The camera source is just stuck up in the top left of my screen. I can re-size it, but not move it around on the screen. Any help would be great. Thanks!



New Member
I feel so stupid. Thanks. I guess it wasn't very evident to me that that's how you edit your source. I was the only one that had a problem with it though, so I assume I'm the dumb one :D