Question / Help Cannot Log onto OBS


New Member
I been using the program for about a week now and everything has been working perfectly fine no problems. But now that i want to stream for some reason it cannot connect to the stream server or Would that be a problem on twitch side or OBS side because twitch looks like its running fine as of right now but i dunno if there is something going on with OBS


New Member
I can log into twitch just fine and i was using the OBS about 8 hours ago just fine even on my twitch page there are a bunch of recorded vods of me playing my games and such. but just as i went to turn it on about 15 mins ago it just keeps saying could not connect to server and its been like this since.


New Member
i dont know maybe if i reinstall the program or something.. only thing i can think of at this point because the problem is still occuring..


New Member
Well Reinstalling didnt work.. im all out of ideas. if anyone could please give me a hand or a idea at what the problem is i would very much appreciate it.


New Member
I've done many different stream keys still nothing. Not sure what you mean by a different server though


Community Helper
In your broadcast settings, you can change what server you are streaming to. Twitch has different servers all over the world, and some work better than others.


Try settings your Bind To Interface to the IP your currently using, had this issue the other day when it switched back to default causing me to not be able to connect to Twitch servers as well.


New Member
That did seem to fix the problem the servers where i am near are currently down so im stuck with using servers that are further away thank you for the help :)