CPU = i7-4790k
GPU = GTX 780
Internet = 200mbps down / 24mbps up
The games I'd be trying to stream would be primarily FPS games and some MoBas. I've tried a couple OBS setups which can maintain a 60fps on the stream with no packets lost, but my FPS in-game tends to take a hit. I know that lowering the in-game graphics would help remedy that, but I'm hoping there are just settings I have wrong or something.
Encoder = x264
Use CBR = Checked
Enable CBR Padding = Checked
Use Custom Buffer Size = Checked
Max Bitrate = 3500
Buffer Size = 3900
Audio Codex = AAC
Bitrate = 160
Format = 48kHz
Channel = Stereo
Base Resolution = 1920x1080
Resoultion Downscale = None
FPS = 60
Disable Aero = Checked
Use Multithreaded Optimizations = Checked
Process Priority Class = Normal
Scene Buffering Time = 700
x264 CPU Preset = Veryfast
Use CFR = Checked
Now I've tried changing the Encoder to the Nvidia NVENC thing, which basically flips the problem around. The stream ends up floating between 30 and 45 fps while my in-game sits at a solid 60 fps. I do understand that trying to stream at this quality while playing a game at the best quality all on a single PC with both the stream and game maintaining 60 fps is asking for a pretty beastly setup, so if its not possible with what I have then so be it. I'm considering upgrading my GFX card to the new GTX 1080 that came out, if that would help the situation some, or if there is a way to get it to work with my setup that'll be nice too.
GPU = GTX 780
Internet = 200mbps down / 24mbps up
The games I'd be trying to stream would be primarily FPS games and some MoBas. I've tried a couple OBS setups which can maintain a 60fps on the stream with no packets lost, but my FPS in-game tends to take a hit. I know that lowering the in-game graphics would help remedy that, but I'm hoping there are just settings I have wrong or something.
Encoder = x264
Use CBR = Checked
Enable CBR Padding = Checked
Use Custom Buffer Size = Checked
Max Bitrate = 3500
Buffer Size = 3900
Audio Codex = AAC
Bitrate = 160
Format = 48kHz
Channel = Stereo
Base Resolution = 1920x1080
Resoultion Downscale = None
FPS = 60
Disable Aero = Checked
Use Multithreaded Optimizations = Checked
Process Priority Class = Normal
Scene Buffering Time = 700
x264 CPU Preset = Veryfast
Use CFR = Checked
Now I've tried changing the Encoder to the Nvidia NVENC thing, which basically flips the problem around. The stream ends up floating between 30 and 45 fps while my in-game sits at a solid 60 fps. I do understand that trying to stream at this quality while playing a game at the best quality all on a single PC with both the stream and game maintaining 60 fps is asking for a pretty beastly setup, so if its not possible with what I have then so be it. I'm considering upgrading my GFX card to the new GTX 1080 that came out, if that would help the situation some, or if there is a way to get it to work with my setup that'll be nice too.