Question / Help Can someone help me to configure OBS for LoL streams?


New Member

I wanted to stream LoL game, but I'm getting 15-22fps in game.

LoL options:

Everything high (because same FPS with high and low details),

1920x1080 res,

Vsync - off,

FPS cap - benchmark,

Fullscreen borderless.

I have ~120-150 FPS when not streaming.

Open Broadcaster config:

Encoding - Quality Balance 5, Bitrate 2000, Buffer 2000, Use CBR, Enable CBR padding, Mp3 128 bit.

Video - 60 FPS, disable aero, 1920x1080 resolution, downscale 1.5 (1280x720)

Advanced - Keyframe 2, x264 preset veryfast, superfast, ultrafast. Doesnt matter still just few FPS difference.

PC specs:

AMD Phenom X6 3.2Ghz,


HD6850 1GB GPU,

SSD + Raid0,

Internet connectiom 20mbps upload,

Windows 7 64bit.

Any ideas what to change? I want to stream to Or this PC is to low to stream lol?

I'm starting Open Broadcaster x64


How do you capture your game? If it's full monitor capture you're bound to have a huge performance hit esp with a single gpu. Problem is, with game capture you will not be able to capture the lobby, so the solution here is to make two scenes - one to capture lobby, the other one with game capture for the client itself and switch. Also you could post a log (see the appropriate thread).


New Member
Thanks for quick reply. I'm capturing whole screen. I can provide log a bit later when will be back from work.


ashkael said:
Thanks for quick reply. I'm capturing whole screen. I can provide log a bit later when will be back from work.

Like I said, whole screen/monitor capture is bound to have a huge impact on performance. Try using game capture, also I suggest limiting frames in the game itself to 60.


Chyeah, unless you provide a log we won't really be able to help you out.

None the less, don't play with Fullscreen borderless mode, That is essentially the same thing as playing Windowed mode and you actually lose FPS from it because its still in a window mode and the CPU still has to give priority to some of the things being ran in the background. If you go to regular fullscreen you'll get an increase in FPS.

Other than that, make sure you're NOT using Monitor capture and use Game Capture instead. There is no need to limiting your FPS to 60, it'll only hinder your performance. I stream LoL from time to time and while i have a stronger PC, with the FPS set to Benchmark, i still get 300FPS while streaming.


Community Helper
The best way to stream LoL is to set up 2 scenes. First, keep Aero enabled. Then, in the first scene, have a Window Capture of the LoL client, and in the second scene, have a Game Capture of the actual LoL game (or Window capture if the game is in Windowed or Borderless mode). Then use the Simple Scene Switcher to automatically swap between them: Avoid Monitor capture altogether.


New Member
Thanks for the info. I will try it and if something will go wrong will upload log file. Was busy, so had no time to upload it.

But my friend helped me with configuration and I managed to get ~40-50 FPS, but sometimes it goes low as 20-30 in teamfights or in ARAM map. And the sad thing is that I gave same configurations for my friend and she is streaming with 60 FPS without any huge drops. Her PC specs are Phenom x4, 4gb ram and don't know what GPU she has, but it's lower than mine. Because she was collecting pretty much cheap PC.

Will try your suggestion today in the evening and will report how it goes. I rather will lose few FPS with borderless mode than using LoL in fullscreen. :) Borderless + alt/tab = <3. Fullscreen + alt/tab = </3 :)

Is OBS using any 3rd party software or it's standalone? For example does OBS needs codecs or something like that?


Active Member
Yeah, the minor performance increase of fullscreen compared to fullscreen-windowed is negligible, especially compared to the ability to alt-tab seamlessly.

If you're using Monitor Capture, you've likely found The Problem. NEVER use Monitor Capture except as an absolute hands-down last-resort measure. A lot of people use it immediately as they see it as convenient (just have one monitor-capture, no need for a bunch of different window/game captures!) and then wonder why their performance is crap.

Seconded; use a Window Capture for the launcher, and a Game Capture for the in-game executable... they're actually two separate programs.

Dodgepong, had a quick question about the scene switcher... is there a noticeable difference in using that, as opposed to simply placing the Game Capture layer above the Window Capture? GameCaps appear to go transparent when the game they're trying to hook 'disappears', and pop back in when the game starts up. I'm wondering how much impact that (invisible) window capture will have while compositing the scene? Or is it more to allow you to move your camera/chat around for an out-of-game layout?