I wanted to stream LoL game, but I'm getting 15-22fps in game.
LoL options:
Everything high (because same FPS with high and low details),
1920x1080 res,
Vsync - off,
FPS cap - benchmark,
Fullscreen borderless.
I have ~120-150 FPS when not streaming.
Open Broadcaster config:
Encoding - Quality Balance 5, Bitrate 2000, Buffer 2000, Use CBR, Enable CBR padding, Mp3 128 bit.
Video - 60 FPS, disable aero, 1920x1080 resolution, downscale 1.5 (1280x720)
Advanced - Keyframe 2, x264 preset veryfast, superfast, ultrafast. Doesnt matter still just few FPS difference.
PC specs:
AMD Phenom X6 3.2Ghz,
HD6850 1GB GPU,
SSD + Raid0,
Internet connectiom 20mbps upload,
Windows 7 64bit.
Any ideas what to change? I want to stream to twitch.tv. Or this PC is to low to stream lol?
I'm starting Open Broadcaster x64
I wanted to stream LoL game, but I'm getting 15-22fps in game.
LoL options:
Everything high (because same FPS with high and low details),
1920x1080 res,
Vsync - off,
FPS cap - benchmark,
Fullscreen borderless.
I have ~120-150 FPS when not streaming.
Open Broadcaster config:
Encoding - Quality Balance 5, Bitrate 2000, Buffer 2000, Use CBR, Enable CBR padding, Mp3 128 bit.
Video - 60 FPS, disable aero, 1920x1080 resolution, downscale 1.5 (1280x720)
Advanced - Keyframe 2, x264 preset veryfast, superfast, ultrafast. Doesnt matter still just few FPS difference.
PC specs:
AMD Phenom X6 3.2Ghz,
HD6850 1GB GPU,
SSD + Raid0,
Internet connectiom 20mbps upload,
Windows 7 64bit.
Any ideas what to change? I want to stream to twitch.tv. Or this PC is to low to stream lol?
I'm starting Open Broadcaster x64