Question / Help Can someone help a noob about keyframe interval


New Member
I am looking to find out why when streaming you have to use keyframe interval of 2. Can anyone just give me a short background and reason behind it? Thanks.


Active Member
Keyframes are points in the video where the entire frame is sent instead of just the differences from the previous frame. Having a keyframe interval of 2 means that it takes at most 2 seconds for the viewers to catch up to a point where they can properly display the feed.


Active Member
Streaming services would allow it to be 1, but setting it to 0 usually ends up making it somewhere around 8.5s between keyframes.

2 offers a better balance between picture quality and viewer join speed.


New Member
Okay so the higher the number in theory makes the delay smaller? Sorry for all the questions. I am just trying to learn the background of why when streaming you want to be on Advanced over Simple and why the keyframe is a certain number.


Active Member
No. The higher number makes the delay LARGER. 0 is automatic and not 0s. Automatic tends to put the keyframe interval in the range of 250 frames (typically 8.5 seconds)


Active Member
And sending a full frame instead of updates to the existing takes up more of the bitrate. As a result, the image quality looks poorer, since it's wasteful to send a full frame as compared to just the parts that have changed.


ok so this page was helpful.

i plan on making a local recording for how-to guide. i try to record at the highest quality/bitrate i can and then render at a lower bitrate later with an editor.

with that in mind, should i set my keyframe to 1 or something like 10?