Question / Help Can OBS cause Games to crash occasionally?


With several Games (mostly Triple AAA and high Quality Visual Titles) Some games seem to randomly crash.

I mostly blame the game/developers in my Videos when that happens, but then I remembered OBS "Hooks" into the game to capture the Image.

I mean I use OBS for years now but never even once considered that OBS may cause certain Games to Crash.

I googled for an answer but as always I only get answers that are far to off from what I want to know.

I read somewhere that Window Capture is the best Capture Performance and Stability wise.

So yeah, long story short:
OBS can potentially Crash Games out of nowhere even if OBS itself does not crash?


Forum Admin
OBS has a very stable and well-tested hook, crashes are quite unlikely. However multiple applications attempting to hook the same game can definitely result in instability. Make sure no other hook applications are running such as FPS monitors, overclocking OSDs, overlays etc.