Question / Help Can i use OBS in TV BroadCasting?


New Member
I am a Technical in our school, and in the month of Oct i will join in a TV broad Casting Journalist Event, Can OBS be a part of it?


Active Member
Your question is too general to answer properly. You gave no detail about technical circumstances. It may be that OBS may be a part of "it", but that's not for granted.
It's like you asked a question like this: "I own a driver license, and in a couple of months, I will join a race event. Can my car be part of it?"


Active Member
OBS wouldn't really be used in TV broadcasting except at the level of the smallest public access stations. I work with a small public access station, and they don't use it at all-- they use specialized hardware and software that is designed for broadcast TV.

OBS is coming closer and closer to duplicating many (though not all) of the features of those specialized systems, but I still only ever see OBS being used for livestreaming by institutions whose core mission isn't broadcasting-- mostly individuals and churches.

I think if you asked someone today to build a new public access station from the ground up with a near zero budget, OBS could definitely be a part of that build. It's just not particularly relevant when you already have a TriCaster.