Question / Help Can i stream?


New Member
Hey i was thinking to start streaming Dota 2 but i dont know if my PC/Internet is good for it. so maybe someone can help me.

PC Specs:

Its a gaming laptop (Republic of gamers from ASUS)

Processor: Intel Core i7 - 3630QM CPU @ 2.40
RAM: 16.0 GB
Video Card: GeForce GTX 670M


I dont want to force my pc is not capable to do.. because i may have problems in the future if i do.

So if anyone can help me i will appreciate


Town drunk
Your laptop is more than sufficient to stream DotA2 with proper OBS/game settings, yes.


New Member
Wow that was fast.. wich settings do you recommend?

I was thinking of:

Quality Balance: 8? (i dont rly know)
Max Bitrate: 2600
Buffer Size: 2600

Game Capture? Should i enable Aero?

And thanks for the fast answer!


Town drunk
There's several good guides posted in the guides section of the forum, give them a look first! They will also give you a better idea of what each setting is actually doing so you can then experiment for yourself.


Try the following for starters:
  • Enable CBR
  • Enable CBR Padding
  • Disable Custom Buffer Size
  • Video: 30 FPS
  • Audio: Default
Given the new requirements of Twitch, VBR is basically a dead end, CBR is the way to go. As it kind of always has been, since it is more stable on everyone involved (you, the viewers, Twitch).

Enable Aero if you haven't already. Since the only reason to disable it is if you're planning on using Monitor Capture, for which there is no reason to do so when streaming Dota 2. It captures just fine in Game Capture. I regularly stream it myself.