Can I Convert an Old OBS PNG LUT Filter to a CUBE LUT?

DJ Monopoli

New Member
I have this old LUT I made for OBS back before OBS supported 3D CUBE LUTs where I brought the "original.png" file into Photoshop and color corrected it until I had a result I wanted, then exported that as a new PNG which I used as a LUT filter in OBS. I'm trying to manually remake this old filter as a 3D LUT so I can use it in Premiere and Photoshop because for some reason this particular PNG LUT I made a while back looks really good with our footage, but no matter what I do I can't seem to remake it. Is there some sort of conversion method to convert an OBS PNG LUT to a 3D CUBE LUT? Thanks!

Suslik V

Active Member
@khaver OBS LUT and FFmpeg Hald CLUT has different formats and not compatible. Conversion is needed.

FFmpeg v4.x
OBS v29.x
original (neutral lut obs).png
Of course, user can add neutral_clut_ffmpeg.png to OBS as simple image source, apply any available OBS LUT to it and save screenshot of the filtered source via right-click menu - the adjusted FFmpeg Hald CLUT is ready! Then you can use online sites, utilities etc that can convert the FFmpeg Hald CLUT to any format you like.


@Suslik V, thanks for the clarification. Is there a reason OBS chose to use a proprietary LUT instead of something more universal like the Hald CLUT?

Suslik V

Active Member
@khaver have no idea. It was at times when "new" OBS (multi-platform) has only few "cool" features/filters and there were proposed working code that do the job well.