Can anyone here help me with an issue I'm having. I lost the ability to resize source.


New Member
I got the most recent update no difference, downloaded and reinstalled OBS but still not unable to do so. What file am I missing? How do I fix this?


Active Member
Is the source locked?


Forum Admin
Considering the option being shown and asked about is one of the very few things in OBS that can prevent a source from being resized, it's a very valid question. Try not to snap at and insult people that are trying to help you. Your explanation on what the issue actually is, and details thereof (i.e. logs, screenshots, etc.) make it difficult to provide anything further.

The other option is locking the preview itself, which can be checked in the Edit menu.


New Member
Considering the option being shown and asked about is one of the very few things in OBS that can prevent a source from being resized, it's a very valid question. Try not to snap at and insult people that are trying to help you. Your explanation on what the issue actually is, and details thereof (i.e. logs, screenshots, etc.) make it difficult to provide anything further.

The other option is locking the preview itself, which can be checked in the Edit menu.
The don't be stupid prompted my response. I wouldn't come here for such a simple task.


Active Member
My signature isn't aimed at anyone. It's a harmless saying which tells myself to not be one. Damn, I also added a line (---) to make it more obvious.
If you feel it was for you I appologies, but you have an issue in there that you need to resolve.

Suslik V

Active Member
And where did you find the "resize source" in OBS? There is "Transform" in OBS but not "resize source".
  1. You need to provide more details on the issue.
  2. Please, describe step-by-step what you attempted to do and what is going wrong with OBS.
  3. Sometimes the log-file of OBS also may help, attach it to your post here if possible:


It's been seven months with no updates here, so maybe OP got it sorted, but for anyone else fining this thread by search, like I did:

I suddenly encountered the same problem, on a Mac. Everything was working fine, I added a new scene and source during a livestream, and suddenly lost all ability to resize that or any other source. The bounding box is there, the grab handles are extra large, but if I try to click on anything in the Preview window, and the selection is simply cleared with no effect on any sources. The Transform settings have no effect. Neither Preview nor Sources are locked.
But there was a simple fix - resize the OBS window itself (just a tiny bit), which causes the Preview window to reset its zoom, and everything returns to working normally.