

New Member
Hello all,

Let's start off with saying OBS rocks! Thanks for the product and how far it already is!

But I think I have a good idea for either a Plugin or a Feature:
A CamCycler.

I have 3 camera's in my studio and now have them all 3 on screen. I'd like to reduce clutter a bit and combine them into 1 square that auto rotates/cycles through the different cameras. Something like a CCTV system often does.

Thanx in advance for even considering!


Active Member
Hello all,

Let's start off with saying OBS rocks! Thanks for the product and how far it already is!

But I think I have a good idea for either a Plugin or a Feature:
A CamCycler.

I have 3 camera's in my studio and now have them all 3 on screen. I'd like to reduce clutter a bit and combine them into 1 square that auto rotates/cycles through the different cameras. Something like a CCTV system often does.

Thanx in advance for even considering!

some guy made something like this already, I think its a CLR plugin written in java or something. let me see if I can find it. but it was mainly build for dual cam and game switches.

EDIT: talk to this guy...