Question / Help C985 Dual PC 60fps


New Member

So I've got a dual PC streaming setup that includes the C985, the issue that I am having is that I cannot get it to display a constant 60 fps at the resolution I would like, 540p. At 720p it works for the most part, but hovers according to the Twitch video stats between 55-60 fps. Ideally I would like to go to 540p but it is way too unstable fluctuating from 40-60 fps. Any help would be appreciated.

540p -
720p -

Thank-you for your time.


Active Member
Your log files are too short to really say much about OBS' performance. Do five minute streams minimally, of high action content, and post those logs.

Also, match your buffer to your bitrate. You have it set a large fraction lower than your bitrate and at a strange number, which makes me question how you obtained that value to set it at.


FPS counter in Twitch video stats? That is probably the playback fps, that is often a low 10 fps on my intel atom.

If your Twitch archive broadcast setting is enabled, Show us your twitch past broadcast? Just looking for good 60 fps..