Bug Report Bug when changing scenes


Hey there.

Soo when Im streaming I want to have a small window where my mail is and where it says who is following me on twitch etc. It works sometimes, but sometimes when I change from one scene to another it bugs, either gets completely white or black. Something known or am I doing something wrong?

I am using the window capture.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Ah, is this a browser window? Hm, sometimes browser windows have issues when it comes to scene switching, especially with name changes, and it captures the wrong browser window. It's actually really annoying because I don't know exactly how to handle it in any sort of elegant fashion.

One workaround (though not really ideal I admit) is to use different browser software for that window just so it doesn't switch windows because of name changes

*edit: Oh, you can also use global sources for this to prevent it from switching windows


Yes this is a browser window. Yes that is what I thought. I will just have to add a new window capture whenever it gets black or white! :)