Bug Report Bug report about certain media players


New Member
I cannot watch my recordings with windows media player but VLC seems to work. Is that how its supposed to be or?


Town drunk
If you are saving them as FLV this is normal unless you have the proper codecs installed for WMP to view those kinds of files.


New Member
It's recording them in MP4 files so im guessing that windows media player is not happy with that since MP4 is a quicktime file? or am i just completly wrong on that?


New Member
Okay, so its on my side that is the problem but i must admit i prefer VLC so it wont really hurt me in anyway other that i wont be able to play the files in windows player right?


Town drunk
Nope, but if you are interested in getting it working in windows media player you can look into the Shark007 codec pack. After installing that with the recommended settings I have yet to run into a file that WMP will not play.


New Member
Thanks for all the help guys! Really nice support from every and i really hope that this program gets above Xsplit since its free and working so well! I'll for sure advertise this around. Anyways thanks again.