Bug Report Bug: Far Cry 3 + Game Capture = Crash


Basically what the title says... Every time I try to use Game Capture on it and I kick on the preview, the game instantly crashes every try.

I can use SCFH DSF for now but... It's not the same :P


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Just farcry 3? Or any ubisoft game with uplay? Or are you using a teamspeak overlay? Or maybe a mumble overlay? Usually this is because of those overlays. I'm going to eventually try to find some way to make the overlays compatible but they don't make it easy


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Thank you very much for pointing that out to me, I really appreciate it. I had a feeling it was that. I need to update the code to watch for overlays and other hooks and stuff. It's a very troublesome thing to deal with. I honestly thought steam was fine, I had been using it before with no problems. Could be that if it captures while the overlay is actually in use this problem occurs. I'll have to do more testing.


Just to add on to this again. UPlay's In-Game Overlay disappears whenever you use Game Capture. Might be something to look in to :)


heros in an halfshel
Game capture doesn't capture the overlay because the overlays like these get applied to the window manager frame buffer rather than the game's frame buffer itself, game capture not showing these overlays is intended behavior