Browser source


New Member
After logging in I got this message:

Unfortunately, your internet browser is not supported.PNG

Does anyone have the same problem?
A few months ago, everything worked normally, but now it only works through the Internet browser (Microsoft Edge Chromium).


Active Member
Browser source don't use any of those web browsers. It uses Chromium. Most probably you need to update OBS.


Active Member
Browser source don't use any of those web browsers. It uses Chromium. Most probably you need to update OBS.
I think OP is talking about the forum. This has nothing to do with OBS at all, except that it happens to be in the forum title.

Is that correct?

After logging in I got this message:

View attachment 94059
Does anyone have the same problem?
A few months ago, everything worked normally, but now it only works through the Internet browser (Microsoft Edge Chromium).
For what it's worth, I'm posting this with Firefox 113.0.1 on Ubuntu Studio Linux. You might have a horribly out of date browser.
In most of them now, on Windows, you can go to Help -> About, and run the updater manually from there.

On Linux, everything is included in the system update process, so *everything* is kept up to date automatically. Windows doesn't do that, so you have to do it manually for each app.


New Member
I think OP is talking about the forum. This has nothing to do with OBS at all, except that it happens to be in the forum title.

Is that correct?

For what it's worth, I'm posting this with Firefox 113.0.1 on Ubuntu Studio Linux. You might have a horribly out of date browser.
In most of them now, on Windows, you can go to Help -> About, and run the updater manually from there.

On Linux, everything is included in the system update process, so *everything* is kept up to date automatically. Windows doesn't do that, so you have to do it manually for each app.
Other Web TV sites do:
OBS 28.1.2 (Browser Source - Play RTL).PNG

I'm using OBS 28.1.2 because it's the last version that supports my old Intel HD 3000. And it works perfectly.
My main web browser is Microsoft Edge Chromium Version 113.0.1774.42 (Official build) (64-bit)


Active Member
Yes. It's on the early stages of testing. Expect it for end of the year or early next year.
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Active Member
Yes. It's on the early stages of testing. Expect it for end of the year or early next year.
Can we use plugins yet? Adblock would be nice!

So far, I think the status of that is:
But that's from 2019.