Broadcasting multiple scenes at one time


New Member
Is it possible to broadcast multiple scenes at one time? What I would like to do is have an overlay scene that plays no matter what game I'm playing behind it. That way, the only thing that needs to be included in a game specific scene would be the location of the web cam and such, but I could leave my overall theme on top of my game scene. This would allow me to change themes without having to create all new game scenes when I just want to update my theme to a new color, but keep the same layout.
Any ideas?


what about simply setting the theme as a global source so you can use it across different scenes smoothly? and if you need to change it you just change it in the properties under the global sources list? ... the same way as you should set the webcam as a global source in case you use it across different scenes so the transition is smooth etc. - or am i missing someting?


New Member
It really has nothing to do with using a source as a global source. It has to do with not having to create a whole new scene when I just want to move a web cam. I was also trying to avoid the "flash" that happens when a scene is changed. I use the same overlay, which is about a dozen elements, for every game I play. I was hoping to be able to move a single element, the web cam for example, depending on the game I play without having to create an entire scene just to move one element.
It would just be nice if I could have 4 or 5 scenes that were simply my web cam in different positions and I could select which position I wanted without having to create a totally new scene for things that don't change.