Broadcasting Certain Audio


New Member
I'm not sure if it'd be possible, but I was curious if being able to mute certain audio was going to be available in the future? This software is great and I'd like to see a feature that would allow that instead of having to use 150 (exaggerated) VAC lines to only broadcast certain things.


New Member
To cherry-pick the sounds you want to broadcast you would need to hook into sound pipelines too or somehow hack the sound driver and sort program access and capture output at a certain point. Universal solution would be very evil unless you get Microsoft to help... so yeah, just use VAC.


New Member
I apologize if this is inappropriate for the forum purpose, but how would one use VAC to isolate audio streams to OBS?



i use this

taskkill /im audiorepeater.exe

start /min "audiorepeater" "%programfiles%\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Autostart /Input: "Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable" /Output: "Realtek HD Audio 2nd output (Re" /SamplingRate: 48000 /BufferMs: 120

start /min "audiorepeater" "%programfiles%\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Autostart /Input: "Line 2 (Virtual Audio Cable)" /Output: "Realtek HD Audio 2nd output (Re" /SamplingRate: 48000 /BufferMs: 120

to have less audio lag (you have to find your bufferMs size, if I go under 120 sound crackling)

in my setup I have Mumble on Line2 and game on Line 1
the two line are Mixed to my usual output.
then on windows I put Line 1 to Windows Default Device (so the game out to Line 1)
if your application can use specific audio card its best, but in most case the application use Defaut Windows device
only the game sound is streamed (and windows sound)

(sorry for my really bad english)


New Member
It wouldn't really need to be encoded into audio drivers I wouldn't think. I've been using VAC for a while on it, but it just seems easier to have it in the software itself. For a lot of new streamers VAC can get overwhelming VERY fast.