Bug Report Brand new text source option


New Member
Just heard about this software yesterday. Been messing around with it a lot I'm very much liking what I see. I have, however, one problem.

The text source option doesn't show up for me. I can create it, it comes up in the sources window, I can edit scene and move a box about where said text should appear, but it's always blank. Using different font, font size, color or opacity does nothing, nor doing text from a file or using the enter text field.

I've placed said text source as the top option in sources as well as the bottom one, and tried to use it as the only source element in a scene, switching from one scene to another. It doesn't show up in preview screens or in local recordings.

Thanks in advance for any possible help in getting this feature working. It's basicaly the last piece of the puzzle before I can get on with my streaming ideas.

*Edited to add font size to the list, As obviously I tried that as well.


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Forum Moderator
this bug will be fixed in the next version -- another person had this problem and I was able to make a workaround.