Question / Help Blackscreen on stream with game capture


New Member
When i use game capture on dota 2 and lineage 2 sream has no video (sound works fine)
19:22:32: Open Broadcaster Software v0.522b - 32bit (´・ω・`)
19:22:32: -------------------------------
19:22:32: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3632QM CPU @ 2.20GHz
19:22:32: CPU Speed: 2195MHz
19:22:32: Physical Memory:  4095MB Total, 3703MB Free
19:22:32: stepping id: 9, model 10, family 6, type 0, extmodel 1, extfamily 0, HTT 1, logical cores 8, total cores 4
19:22:32: monitor 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1366, 768}
19:22:32: monitor 2: pos={-74, -900}, size={1440, 900}
19:22:32: Windows Version: 6.1 Build 7600 
19:22:32: Aero is Enabled
19:22:32: -------------------------------
19:22:32: OBS Modules:
19:22:32: Base Address     Module
19:22:32: 01330000         OBS.exe
19:22:32: 50970000         OBSApi.dll
19:22:32: 67850000         DShowPlugin.dll
19:22:32: 67830000         GraphicsCapture.dll
19:22:32: 67D90000         NoiseGate.dll
19:22:32: ------------------------------------------
19:22:32: Adapter 1
19:22:32:   Video Adapter: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
19:22:32:   Video Adapter Dedicated Video Memory: 1115983872
19:22:32:   Video Adapter Shared System Memory: 3970054144
19:22:32: =====Stream Start: 2013-05-23, 19:22:32===============================================
19:22:32:   Multithreaded optimizations: On
19:22:32:   Base resolution: 1366x768
19:22:32:   Output resolution: 908x512
19:22:32: ------------------------------------------
19:22:32: Loading up D3D10...
19:22:32: Playback device {}.{dd2142d2-51be-4cba-b69a-c4aa98796782}
19:22:32: ------------------------------------------
19:22:32: Using desktop audio input: Speakers / HP (IDT High Definition Audio CODEC)
19:22:32: ------------------------------------------
19:22:32: Using auxilary audio input: Internal Microphone (IDT High Definition Audio CODEC)
19:22:32: ------------------------------------------
19:22:32: Audio Encoding: AAC
19:22:32:     bitrate: 128
19:22:32: Using graphics capture
19:22:32: ------------------------------------------
19:22:32: Video Encoding: x264
19:22:32:     fps: 60
19:22:32:     width: 908, height: 512
19:22:32:     preset: veryfast
19:22:32:     CBR: no
19:22:32:     CFR: no
19:22:32:     max bitrate: 3500
19:22:32:     buffer size: 3500
19:22:32:     quality: 7
19:22:32: ------------------------------------------
19:22:32: SharedTexCapture hooked
19:22:34: Using RTMP service: Twitch /
19:22:34:   Server selection: rtmp://
19:22:35: SO_SNDBUF was at 8192
19:22:35: SO_SNDBUF is now 65536
19:22:40: Total frames rendered: 468, number of frames that lagged: 0 (0.00%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)
19:22:40: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Aborting due to bStopping
19:22:40: Number of times waited to send: 0, Waited for a total of 0 bytes
19:22:40: Number of b-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Number of p-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Total 0 (0%)
19:22:40: =====Stream End: 2013-05-23, 19:22:40=================================================
19:22:42: Profiler results:
19:22:42: ==============================================================
19:22:42: frame - [100%] [avg time: 1.808 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 68.6%] [unaccounted: 31.4%]
19:22:42: | scene->Preprocess - [0.0553%] [avg time: 0.001 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
19:22:42: | video encoding and uploading - [68.5%] [avg time: 1.239 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 66.5%] [unaccounted: 1.99%]
19:22:42: | | CopyResource - [2.88%] [avg time: 0.052 ms] [avg calls per frame: 0]
19:22:42: | | conversion to 4:2:0 - [1.33%] [avg time: 0.024 ms] [avg calls per frame: 0]
19:22:42: | | call to encoder - [61.7%] [avg time: 1.115 ms] [avg calls per frame: 0]
19:22:42: | | sending stuff out - [0.664%] [avg time: 0.012 ms] [avg calls per frame: 0]
19:22:42: ==============================================================


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
This isn't a bug with OBS. This is caused by the common issue of multiple graphics processor laptops, where it uses both an intel and an nvidia (or AMD), then it switches back and forth between them to save power. Go into Nvidia control panel and make sure OBS is using the nvidia. There's also an option for adapter selection in video settings but I wouldn't recommend changing it for laptops as it causes issues, use nvidia control panel only instead.