Question / Help Black Screen with Pangya


New Member
Hi there
I was trying to stream the online game Pangya (, but seems it's impossible, both with game capture and software capture, I always got a black screen...
I tried to run both pangya and obs on administrator mode, doesn't work :/
Seems the problem is with the protect system of the game (Nprotect or something like that), is there any way to "bypass" this and stream this game ? anyone already did it ?
Thanks in advance =)


New Member
I have been getting the same problem, but I met a Korean who has no problem using OBS to broadcast his game. He sat there for about 2 hours helping me troubleshoot, but still could not get it to work. The game is labeled as ProjectG.exe but does not show up on the game capture, but the "Pangya Challenge" shows up on the window capture but still the same problem with the black screen. I think the problem may be with NProtect not showing the program, but that is what I have read online.


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If it has any issues with these particular games you can always fall back to running the game in borderless/windowed modes and capturing via window or monitor capture. Also out of curiosity, what version of windows are you on?


New Member
I am running Win7 64 bit, 8GBs ram, Radeon HD 6870 video card. I have tried running it in windowed, fullscreen, window maximized. I have tried to capture Window and monitor with both providing the black screen and mouse trails, and game capture it wont even show the program. And I have also disabled my aero and it doesnt work.
Here is a video on youtube showing what is happening, this one does not make the whole screen go black, but it does not show the window


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Even window capture doesn't work? Well that's certain extremely unusual. Guess the game doesn't even want to be recorded by that means either. This game has some seriously heavy security measures.


New Member
Yeah, and I guess it is only the American client only, because like I said a korean streamer is able to use OBS on Pangya just fine.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Hm, it shouldn't just be just on the korean client. That doesn't make sense. It's extremely unlikely they use different code. You sure it's the only app you can't capture? Could you post a log file so I can see your system and other info?


Forum Admin
It uses gameguard which is very invasive, you will likely have difficulty without a capture card.


Community Helper
Can you ask the Korean guy how he is capturing it? Are you sure he isn't using a capture card?


Community Helper
By what means with OBS is he capturing it? Window capture? Monitor capture? Game capture? Maybe DxTory? Aero enabled or disabled?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I would have to see the game directly to know for sure but if he can capture it you probably can. Sometimes disabling UAC in windows can help with this, though honestly just running OBS as admin really should be enough. Again if the game is running fullscreen mode then you have to use game capture, so make sure it's running in a borderless or windowed mode if you haven't already.

Without being at the computer I probably couldn't say for sure though


New Member
My UAC is turned off, and I have tried to stream in windowed, border less, and full screen with all of the capture types, but none seems to work.


New Member
Bump. Any updates? I'm also having this issue. I've tried with aero disabled, game capture, window capture, monitor capture, run full screen, run window, trying to "glitch" it by telling it to stream Firefox and trying to get pangya to come up instead.

I installed DxTory, but that just made my computer act super wonky and I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to do anyways; So that didn't help. It would appear that I have found my match for streaming. :( It just won't get past the black screen with the glitchy mouse trails.


New Member
Bumping again. Last night I tried, hoping for some changes, but still impossible for me and it bothers me a lot :'(