Bug Report Black screen when adding spotify to sources


New Member
I've been getting a black screen whenever I try to add spotify to the sources to show which song I am currently playing. I add the window as usual but when it shows up on the stream preview it is just shown as a black box and whenever i put my mouse over it, it seems to bug out. I'm not sure whether this is just a bug with spotify as I've tried the same technique with different programs and all of them have been fine. any suggestions?


I don't think it will satisfy you, but you can output Spotify's now playing song to a text file and then use it in OBS. It will update whenever you cange your Spotify song.


New Member
I was experiencing the same issue and I just ended up running a partial screen capture on my second monitor. I am able to capture just the screen region for the "now playing" in the bottom corner. Not optimal with the tools provided from OBS but it works.