Bug Report Black screen via Sofware Capture when streaming MTG: Online


New Member
As the title says I've recently decided to start streaming Magic the Gathering Online and I'm having trouble getting OBS to capture the game. OBS picks the client up in the Software Capture mode but when I preview the stream it just comes up as a black screen. I only have one monitor so I really trying to find another way to capture the game rather than using the Monitor Capture option as I don't want me alt tabbing to TS and other windows visible on my stream and running it in a smaller window isn't an option.

Is there a way to successfully stream with the Software Capture? or a work around where I can only capture the game and not my whole monitor? any help would be much appreciated.


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Re: Black screen via Sofware Capture when streaming MTG: Onl

Do other games work okay? If so, perhaps it's an opengl game or something, not entirely sure. I would need to see more information about the game to know for sure. There's also game capture you could try


New Member
Re: Black screen via Sofware Capture when streaming MTG: Onl

Yeah I've used game capture for streaming other games and software capture works for things like TeamSpeak. However software capture lists Magic the Gathering online but just black screens unlike TS and other things. I'm not sure why though, if it displays but doesn't work is that still an openGL problem? or is it something else?

Thank you for the reply, I understand OBS is still pretty new and things are still being worked out, even so its a great piece of software :)


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Re: Black screen via Sofware Capture when streaming MTG: Onl

I'd have to take a look at the game unfortunately, if you're getting black with game capture and haven't tried software capture, then it could be directx 8 or something. Not entirely sure. Window capture and game capture both don't work?


Forum Admin
Re: Black screen via Sofware Capture when streaming MTG: Onl

A game like that may use tricks to prevent screen capture for botting purposes.