Bug Report Black Screen game capture


New Member

Whenever I try to capture footage from Team Fortress 2 (which is windowed and borderless), I seem to get a black screen with audio as demonstrated on this (http://www.twitch.tv/gbindahouse/b/433759080). Ignore the high pitch squeal, that's my fan, I am testing out with my usual set up.

I get similar results from other games even though they are windowed. I am using v0.542b at 64-bit currently and yes, there is no difference result wise between this and the 32bit version.

EDIT 1: Well I have tried the High Performance NVIDIA Processor from NVIDIA's control panel under "Manage 3D Settings" and it didn't work

Here's me trying it: http://www.twitch.tv/gbindahouse/b/433767861

Joined: July 20th, 2013, 10:09 pm