Bug Report Black Screen/Freeze when recording Exclusive Fullscreen Dolphin

Berk N

New Member
Using dolphin-4.0-6554 (the build for melee netplay) https://dolphin-emu.org/download/dev/f5b0468179f1c3c15cfb5957218ee9f27cb47d77/ and OBS 64bit. I'm trying to local record, and I set my bitrate to 10k kb/s and matching custom buffer size (maybe this would be a problem?)

Recording with window/monitor capture works perfect when dolphin is windowed, but I really want fullscreen for the decreased input lag (very important for melee).

So when I try recording dolphin in exclusive fullscreen with OBS's game capture, it's very spotty. Sometimes it will give a black screen, despite detecting the game in the drop-down menu, and sometimes it will start recording and suddenly freeze on a frame (but OBS doesn't crash.) I used to be able to record full sessions without interruption (example here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34iWwy4XpK4), but recently it keeps freezing and it's frustrating!

Any idea what could be causing this? I could not find any good alternatives for OBS that could capture fullscreen in 60fps :/

Here's a log file, not sure if it will help since OBS didn't really give any errors: https://puu.sh/irPQy.txt
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