Question / Help Black screen for streaming ps2 with Dazzle [resolved]


New Member
I am using Windows 7 64bit, latest version of dazzle software and latest version of OBS.

Checkout the settings:




Checkout the end result:

The dazzle software correctly shows the picture - so what is wrong inside OBS:


heros in an halfshel
Re: Black screen for streaming ps2 with Dazzle

I don't know if this makes a difference, but is it a PAL PS2?

Because in that case, you should set the resolution to 720x576, which should also set the frame rate to 25.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Re: Black screen for streaming ps2 with Dazzle

Also just to check, post a log file if possible -- just want to see if there were any errors/warnings


Community Helper
Re: Black screen for streaming ps2 with Dazzle

It looks like in the Dazzle software, the input signal is 640x480, but in OBS, it's set to receive 720x480. Does fixing the OBS Dazzle resolution do anything?


New Member
Re: Black screen for streaming ps2 with Dazzle

Excellent, definite steps forward guys - these settings show the ps2 input perfectly.

However I cannot for the life of me get sound to work. I have tried selecting Audio in : Dazzle, and I have tried opening the OBS Crossbar thingy tool and relating the pins however no matter what I do, no sound :


I wonder if there is some kind of ordering I am missing.

I am currently opening the Crossbar Thing.exe - putting a tick in the box to relate them, shutting it, then opening OBS and previewing stream with the Dazzle DVC Audio device selected for audio in - with no luck.

Additionally, there are multiple options here and I am not sure what is best - which option is best for deinterlacing? Should I use point filtering? What is the output format YUU2 used for? Should I use it.

Really appreciate everyones time and support.


heros in an halfshel
Re: Black screen for streaming ps2 with Dazzle

YUY2 is your best option for the color, as for Crossbar Thing, you're not supposed to check the "Link related streams" option, you need to click the dropdown box on the right (the one that says "0: Video Decoder Out") and select "1: Audio Decoder Out").

The dropdown box on the left side of the dialog should now be empty. From that box, select "5: Audio Line In", this should get you sound.

It will unfortunately reset every time the device reinitializes (this is a driver issue with the Dazzle), so keep Crossbar Thing handy in case you need to switch inputs or something.

Yadif2x is the highest quality deinterlacing for 3D games such the ones for PlayStation 2. It can in some cases yield slightly weird results for low resolution material, but that would only really matter for a handful of the games on the system, in which case you can pick another mode.


New Member
Re: Black screen for streaming ps2 with Dazzle

Fantastic. That is audio working perfectly - I did have sound working a couple of times but I think it was more through luck and combination of multiple changes. This is working reliably now - thank you so much everyone in the community.