Bug Report Black screen during live stream using ENB Series


New Member
ENB series modifies the scene of the game using postprocessing.
More information can be found a thttp://www.enbdev.com/

I cannot live stream using ENB with the game Skyrim. I get a black screen with sound using Game Capture as a source. Yes I have read the FAQ.

Reading other threads It interferes with how it hooks into the game, but is a solution being worked on?

By the way, the site needs to have a donate button.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Yea, if you use graphical modifications that use a proxy D3D9.dll without all the proper imports, it causes game capture to fail. I might be able to fix this in the future, but for now you may have to choose between using game capture and using the mod


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
This should have been fixed quite some time ago, I made it so it hooks the main DLLs to prevent getting fooled into hooking the proxy DLLs. EIther way it's still not guaranteed to work because of potential hook conflicts from both the mod and OBS' game capture currently.


New Member
I am sorry to necro, and this may be obvious lol but I am assuming using a second PC to stream via a capture card would fix this?