Question / Help black screen and delay when switching scenes...

When I switch between scenes, there is a 1 second black screen that occurs on my feed. I'm assuming this is from a delay during processing between scenes...but is there anyway to avoid this or minimize it or is this just the way OBS works for scene switching?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Would have to see a log file. This shouldn't normally happen. If you have a device such as a webcam in use by OBS, you need to make it a global source instead to prevent any scene switching lag that could happen.
Is a Startech USB capture card that I'm using as the capture device. I'll get a log file.

How to I make it the global source? Is this done inside OBS?


Town drunk
Yes, you click the Global Sources button, then add your Startech. Then in your Sources box, right click, mouse over Global Sources, then pick your Startech from the list.


The delay is probably caused by the device initializing when you switch scenes, global source will cause the device to ALWAYS be active even if its not used on a scene, this will obviously skip the need to reinitialize it every time. So yes it should fix your issue.