Question / Help Black screen after game crash and reload


New Member

So I can stream fine Arma 2 but if for some reason the game crashes or freezes and I have to Alt F4, when I reopen the game, OBS picks up my Audio and mouse cursor but the screen is Black. I usually have to restart OBS to fix this..

Is there any way to fix this problem without having to stop and restart my stream?



The best way? Prevent Arma 2 from crashing or freezing. Anyhow, obvious solutions aside... how are you capturing Arma 2? Window Capture, Game Capture, Monitor Capture?


New Member
Kharay said:
The best way? Prevent Arma 2 from crashing or freezing. Anyhow, obvious solutions aside... how are you capturing Arma 2? Window Capture, Game Capture, Monitor Capture?

Well it's DayZ Overwatch I'm playing and there is a bug where you can get stuck on the death screen with no way to exit except Alt F4, obviously I would stop crashing/freezing if it was another issue.
I'm using game capture.