Question / Help Best way to put a Tournament Bracket on Stream?


New Member
Hi All,

So I have a 5 Man Tournament Bracket File in Paint. It's a blank bracket. As I stream and the results for each game conclude, I would like to fill in a name for each winner as the tournament progresses so viewers can see the current bracket as I update it live. What would be the best way to go about doing this? I am very new to streaming so I have only done basic things such as donation/follower text, follow alert, and the camera but willing to seek out advice on how to make this work the best.

Thank you so much!
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New Member
Prepare picture with bracket and X empty txt files and add them on picture and after result update txt file.


  • bracket.png
    7.8 KB · Views: 1,137


The Helping Squad
You could combine Stream Control and the CLR Browser Plugin.
Create a webpage that shows the brackets, each position gets a variable #team1,#team2,#result1,... and those can be changed with streamcontrol, live. Its a bit work to get running, but should look pretty nice.

Another way would be using and again include it with the CLR Browser Plugin or with a Window capture.


New Member
Jack would you happen to know if there is a pre-generated OBS friendly bracket system to use in StreamControl along with CLR Browser like this uploader has @ around 5:13 during the clip ? I don't have a pressing need for it right away but I would like to know if there is something out there which I just can't seem to find, that I could play around with and get ideas for on my stream.
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The Helping Squad
That video is by farpnut himself, the one who created streamcontrol. You might wanna check his page, but I am not sure he shared this as a template. But you could create it yourself, use the templates as examples :)


New Member
I would gladly make it myself but I'm not CSS knowledgeable which is why I was wanting to see if you hopefully would have known of him or someone else putting one out for me to grab.