Question / Help Best way to make stream look better?

Hi so heres my settings cpu presset superfast 3000 bit 3500 buf 60 fps 1280x720 no downscale quality 7 CBR enabled. the streams very smooth but the quality is lacking. whats the best way to increase quality?


willll162904 said:
Hi so heres my settings cpu presset superfast 3000 bit 3500 buf 60 fps 1280x720 no downscale quality 7 CBR enabled. the streams very smooth but the quality is lacking. whats the best way to increase quality?

Use veryfast preset instead of superfast.


New Member
You may want to change the quality setting to 10 or closer to 10, if possible.

Also, if you have the connection to do so, stream using more bandwidth. (Bitrate) (generally looks the best if you're using at least 75% of your upload speed in Mbps. Say you get 5 Mbps upload, you should be using about 4.5 of that, or 4500 for a bitrate)
If you computer can handle it, you can also try setting the cpu preset to faster, or another setting in that direction.

Hope this helps.


Community Helper
Can you post an example video? Chances are your expectations of what can be done with compressed video are too high.
Most people make the mistake of playing a game in 1080p then instantly watching their vod directly afterwards. Your eye/brain is still used to the flawless ingame quality.

Just watch some other streams and then compare their quality with yours and you will see yours isn't as bad as you thought.