Best way to annotate slides


New Member
Hello. I am new to OBS and excited to use it for teaching college classes. I am trying to figure out the best way to annotate slides using my iPad. The easiest way is to broadcast my slides on my iPad and then add the iPad as a video or window capture device. This works well, but the resolution is not as crisp as the iPad shows or as crisp as if I were sharing Powerpoint through a window capture. It’s probably fine for Zoom, but I’m a perfectionist.

The other thing I tried was to have something like Fresco with a green base color. Then add this as a layer over Powerpoint and then use Chroma Key to make it see through. The problem with this is that the annotations do not show up well no matter what color I use for the annotations or the pencil type.

A third option is to have another seen where I switch to one of these suboptimal options or a whiteboard to the side.

Any thoughts would be awesome.