Question / Help Best streaming settings for my pc?


New Member

I currently have:

- Nvidia geforce gtx 960 4 gb
- I7 4790 3.6 Ghz
- 16 GB of ram

I have been experimenting a bit with obs studio but couldnt quite get my stream to reach a 720p 60fps quality without increasing my bitrate to above 1700 (wich I cant do if I dont want my game to lag +150 ms).

The game I want to stream soon is overwatch wich has high motion. Maybe some of you guys can help me improve my performance without touching my bitrate?

I currently stream at:

-1600 bitrate
-720p 30 fps
-Encoder x264
-Rate control: CBR

Thx in advance!


Active Member
1700 kbps isn't enough for 720p60. Most people do more than that for 720p30. If you want more specific advise, you'll need to post an OBS log file from a five minute or longer stream of high action content.


New Member
Thx for the advise boildown! Guess I will stick with 720p 30fps for now until I can double my upload speed.

Next time I have a question I will upload the logs!