Question / Help Best Streaming settings for my PC for League?


New Member
Recently I wanted to start streaming League, but I'm not sure what the most optimal settings I could use for my PC are.
I did a test run of the stream for a couple or so hours and from re-watching it, quality isn't superb but it's bearable good enough to watch imo, but with some fps lag. I'm just wondering if there is anything else I could do to possibly make the stream better. Sometimes I would see the "high encoding" or something red message on the bottom left of OBS.

Here's a log from my recent test stream.


Active Member
Two problems, looks like your CPU isn't keeping up and your internet connection isn't handling it well. Duplicated frames of over 3% and unstable connection warnings. If you can't increase your bitrate, then you have to downscale more, because 1000kbps isn't enough for 720p30 video. Try streaming at 540p or 480p and lowering the bitrate a bit (pun not avoided) to about 800kbps, and that will have the side effect of solving your CPU usage problem at the same time.

If you think your internet connection should easily handle that speed, then you might check with your ISP to see that you're getting all the upload bandwidth they've promised you.


New Member
Two problems, looks like your CPU isn't keeping up and your internet connection isn't handling it well. Duplicated frames of over 3% and unstable connection warnings. If you can't increase your bitrate, then you have to downscale more, because 1000kbps isn't enough for 720p30 video. Try streaming at 540p or 480p and lowering the bitrate a bit (pun not avoided) to about 800kbps, and that will have the side effect of solving your CPU usage problem at the same time.

If you think your internet connection should easily handle that speed, then you might check with your ISP to see that you're getting all the upload bandwidth they've promised you.

Could me being in a skype call during the stream have affected the CPU not keeping up?

As for my internet, I just tested it on speedtest and these were the results