Question / Help Best stream settings for my build?


New Member
DXDiag: & my GPU is XFX HD 7850 1GB DDR5, Core Clock @ 860MHz, Memory Clock @ 1200MHz
60/20 Cox Communications internet, so my upload is more than sufficient

OBS Settings-
Encoding: Quality Balance @ 7, Max Bitrate & Buffer Size @ 3,500 kb/s, MP3 Audio Codec @ 128kb/s
Video: Base Resolution 1920x1080, FPS @ 30, Windows Aero Disabled
Advanced: Multithreaded Optimizations On, Process Priority Class @ Normal, Scene Buffering Time @ 400ms, x264 CPU Preset @ Superfast

What settings are best in OBS for streaming 720p+ League of Legends? My current settings have twitch registering my stream at 1080p+ and the only time I ever drop frames is in teamfights + scrolling over the map real fast, other than that everything is okay.

I prefer not downsizing my resolution for the stream, I haven't noticed much of a difference doing so. What other settings could I change to maintain a viewable stream while not having any major impact on computer performance?

Let me know if there's anything else I could post to help find out best settings for my pretty average computer. And yes, I know my CPU is crap.


Why MP3? Why not just keep it at the default, AAC?

And, I actually can recommend downscaling for LoL. It would allow you to increase your framerate substantially, which would improve the viewer experience drastically. 720p@48 FPS, downscaled using the Lanczos filter will look pretty damned good actually. And actually might end up being easier on your hardware as well, so giving you a better performance ingame as well.

Also, could you just post a log? So we can see in greater detail how OBS is performing for you? You can find them in %AppData%\OBS\logs


New Member
Kharay said:
Why MP3? Why not just keep it at the default, AAC?

And, I actually can recommend downscaling for LoL. It would allow you to increase your framerate substantially, which would improve the viewer experience drastically. 720p@48 FPS, downscaled using the Lanczos filter will look pretty damned good actually. And actually might end up being easier on your hardware as well, so giving you a better performance ingame as well.

Also, could you just post a log? So we can see in greater detail how OBS is performing for you? You can find them in %AppData%\OBS\logs

not sure why i use mp3 over aac, is there a major difference? - my most recent - one prior, comparison if you like


Community Helper
AAC give you better quality for lower bandwidth. If it's available to you, there's no reason not to use it. MP3 is mostly there for Vista users who don't have AAC available.

A lot of people make the mistake of choosing MP3 just because it's a format they recognize. However, AAC is the better choice, and is standard for FLV/MP4 containers.


New Member
dodgepong said:
AAC give you better quality for lower bandwidth. If it's available to you, there's no reason not to use it. MP3 is mostly there for Vista users who don't have AAC available.

A lot of people make the mistake of choosing MP3 just because it's a format they recognize. However, AAC is the better choice, and is standard for FLV/MP4 containers.

alright, thanks.

any other suggestions for settings other than downscaling my reso?


As I said, we'd need a log to see in greater detail how OBS is performing for you. So, I'd suggest just running LoL in 720p@48 FPS for a few minutes, streaming it, then obviously quitting OBS and showing us the VOD and the log for that test run. Then we can really give relevant feedback instead of just taking stabs in the dark.


Community Helper
He posted his log in the post before mine.

I recommend enabling CBR, to begin with. Is there a reason you needed to change the x264 preset to superfast instead of veryfast? Because superfast greatly decreases your video quality.

Downscaling to 720p with the Lanczos filter would be a good idea, too.

Also, I don't recommend using Monitor capture. The best way to stream LoL is to set up 2 scenes. In the first scene, have a Window Capture of the LoL client, and in the second scene, have a Game Capture of the actual LoL game. Then use the Simple Scene Switcher to automatically swap between them: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1785


New Member
dodgepong said:
He posted his log in the post before mine.

I recommend enabling CBR, to begin with. Is there a reason you needed to change the x264 preset to superfast instead of veryfast? Because superfast greatly decreases your video quality.

Downscaling to 720p with the Lanczos filter would be a good idea, too.

Also, I don't recommend using Monitor capture. The best way to stream LoL is to set up 2 scenes. In the first scene, have a Window Capture of the LoL client, and in the second scene, have a Game Capture of the actual LoL game. Then use the Simple Scene Switcher to automatically swap between them: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1785

superfast because my fx4100 can't handle encoding and playing better than stronger amd chips or intel chips can.
i could attempt on veryfast though.

already stream w/ game capture, and only stream monitor capture when out of game. could just have the client/ingame showing however. good idea. thanks for the scene switcher.

Kharay said:
dodgepong said:
He posted his log in the post before mine.
*bitchslaps self*

should i attempt streaming with the new settings and post log & vod afterwards now anyway?


sayaka said:
superfast because my fx4100 can't handle encoding and playing better than stronger amd chips or intel chips can.
i could attempt on veryfast though.
Veryfast should be a breeze for your CPU; I have an i5 760, which is some 5% slower than your CPU at stock speeds and mine is not OC-ed and it has no issue whatsoever doing 720p@60 FPS on Veryfast. So, your PC is quite capable of doing that as well. The 48 FPS suggestion was mostly meant to improve the quality; 60 vs 48 FPS does tend to favor 48 FPS as far as image fidelity goes because that's 20% less frames to spread the bandwidth across.


New Member
Kharay said:
sayaka said:
superfast because my fx4100 can't handle encoding and playing better than stronger amd chips or intel chips can.
i could attempt on veryfast though.
Veryfast should be a breeze for your CPU; I have an i5 760, which is some 5% slower than your CPU at stock speeds and mine is not OC-ed and it has no issue whatsoever doing 720p@60 FPS on Veryfast. So, your PC is quite capable of doing that as well. The 48 FPS suggestion was mostly meant to improve the quality; 60 vs 48 FPS does tend to favor 48 FPS as far as image fidelity goes because that's 20% less frames to spread the bandwidth across.

alright, will give it a 5min run with these settings and this (awesome) plugin then post vod + log


How did it feel for you while actually playing? And, did you look at the VOD yourself? Because, the log is fine and the quality is pretty damned good.


New Member
Kharay said:
How did it feel for you while actually playing? And, did you look at the VOD yourself? Because, the log is fine and the quality is pretty damned good.

i actually didn't really notice i was even streaming at some points, hence my fast tabbing out to obs every once in a while lol

quality could be a tiny bit better but that's what i get for a 100$ cpu i guess lol.
i should try streaming out on an actual game to get a real-time feel for what i'll experience while streaming hm.

for comparison, this is a stream vod before all of these changes, where i noticed lag any time something remotely graphics related happened in-game


Honestly, the quality is really just fine, now I mean. It's actually quite a lot better than the vast majority of LoL streamers out there; of which there are... quite a lot. ;)


New Member
Kharay said:
Honestly, the quality is really just fine, now I mean. It's actually quite a lot better than the vast majority of LoL streamers out there; of which there are... quite a lot. ;)

oh yeah i'm not too worried about the quality, as long as stat #'s are legible and it's not a pain to look at (which it's actually pretty decent)
i love the fact there's little to no scrolling pixelation on the stream now.

y'all definitely helped even out the load on my computer vs quality people get to see. back when i used xsplit in 2011, veryfast/superfast made a huge difference lol.

so happy obs was released..

thanks a ton ^^
if i need any further help or suggestions i'll just ask here again