Question / Help Best Setup for 0.85 upload


New Member
Hey, i begin stream in world of wacraft game. And i need to improve my stream but i have only 0.85 upload.
How i can increase my quality, i have I5-3350p CPU, and i want to stream to the limit of my connection. I don't know what is better : 720P resolution (better quality but moving is more pixelated or 540p (bad quality all the time)
If you can give me some example settings and I would try !
Thanks !!
My computer :
ATI Radeon HD 7850
8G ram


Community Helper
With that upload, it's going to be pretty much impossible to get a stream that doesn't look pixelated. Choosing presets that are slower than veryfast (like faster, fast, etc.) will help some, but they greatly tax your CPU more. You can try to use OpenCL like zerocul recommended, though it is know to be buggy at times.

As for settings, I'd say to downscale to no larger than 480p, make sure CBR is enabled, and set bit rate/buffer around 600 or so. Test that out, and make sure you aren't dropping frames.


Community Helper
OpenCL is in the latest test verison of OBS. It's a new feature included with x264 that offloads part of the encoding process to the GPU. Read through the test build thread that zerocul linked for more info.