Question / Help Best settings for OBS classic?


New Member
Hai I'm Eoi and I just started streaming a few days ago. I started worrying about my stream because when I look at the stream itself, it look really poor.
Link to my stream/videos:
Specs of my PC can be found on my twitch. But heres my spec.
  • Model : Asus G11CD-B11
  • GPU: GeForce GTX 970 4GB
  • CPU: i5 6400 2.70GHz
  • Memory: 8GB RAM
  • OS: Windows 10

Log :
I don't know what settings I should try or use for the best quality I can provide for the stream. Max bitrate I can use is 2,000.


1. Use Studio. Classic is no longer under development, and it'd be a waste of time to go through all those changes and setup just to have to move on to Studio.
2. Set your x264 preset back to veryfast.
3. Set your downscale Resolution to 2.0, that should help some.


In studio go to settings->Video->Output (Scaled Resolution) and set that to 960x540
Set the downscale filter to whichever one you think looks best.

In Settings->Output, set the output mode to simple, video bitrate to 2000, encoder to software (x264), and the audio bitrate to 128.

In recording set recording quality to same as stream and the recording format to flv.

Give that a try.