Question / Help Best Obs Setting For My Pc


New Member
Hello...Can u help me with some OBS Settings?My Pc Specs:

-Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 550 @ 3.20 GHZ


-Nvidia GeForce GTS 450

-Motherboard AsRock H55M-LE


Active Member
Settings tend to be trial-and-error. You have a very weak CPU though, which makes it hard to recommend settings.

Start out on 360p, 30fps, 1200kbps and test what you can run at with 5 minute recording tests of active gameplay, watching your logfiles and checking for late/duplicated frames. You want fewer than 1% at most.


New Member
Tbh, your computer is too bad to do anything good with OBS. If you rly wanna try, I say you use a very low resolution and cross your fingers your pc can still respond afterwards :/