Been playing with OBS MP and have some suggestions


I been messing with OBS MP for a few days now trying to figure it out and I have to say I really like the direction that it is going in ATM, but there are a few features that would be nice and I will also post a bug that I did find but is not anything big. I will start off with the bug since there is only one.

In both the Scenes and Sources, if you get more than 5 in there, a scroll bar shows up on the right side. The problem is, is if you want to scroll down, you need to use the mouse wheel. Clicking and dragging on the slide only moves up, not down. Like I said, nothing major, but can get annoying when you keep forgetting.

Suggestions/Feature Request:
There are a few things here that I believe will help out and improve the software and overall, make the product better.
  1. With the "Noise Gate" filter, add in the ability to speak in your mic and see the meter so you can properly adjust it.
  2. Maybe get a filter package in there that allows something like TeamSpeak 3 and other VOIP programs that have a way to remove background noise, echo reduction, echo cancellation, ect... . Overall, just have more control over mic inputs and clean up the sound a bit. Maybe a plugin will be made for this eventually, but its something now-a-days that you would expect to be there by default. I know its still in production and may be in que to be done, but i am not sure so I decided to put this in.
  3. The game capture in the MP version is not working anywhere near as good as it did in 0.657b. Its working 1/3rd worse. In the 0.65 version, I could "Game Capture" 2 out of 3 games, but in MP version, I can only capture 1 out of 3.
  4. This is a feature I know some have asked for for the older version, but would be a nice feature for MP to have it there by default. That is having a transition system when switching scenes. Maybe have just a single one by default which would be a fade between scenes so they are not hard cuts, but have the ability for people to create their own using Adobe AE or something, or using some out there that already made like the ones I got from RavensProDesign free for Sony Vegas. Example:
  5. Exporting Scenes/Sources/settings to a file and having a import feature put in.
  6. Removing the "auto snapping" feature when your trying to place a Source near the top but not quite at the edge. With the auto snapping system, it makes it almost impossible to align something close the edge without it snapping to the edge.
That is what I can come up with ATM, if I think of more i will add them to this thread.


Active Member
2> already requested
3> Probably has to do with having multiple game capture sources trying to capture the same game at the same time more than anything else.
4> already requested
5> already requested


3> Probably has to do with having multiple game capture sources trying to capture the same game at the same time more than anything else.
This I don't see being the issue if I understand what your saying because in each scene, I only have one source of any type of capture, and I only run one thing capturing any video source which is OBS MP. Its just when I start up the game and go into the Sources > Add > Game Capture, it only will work for just one game. When I shut off that game and start up another game and set up a Scene for a different game, and try doing the game capture, it does not detected that game, so instead I need to use a "Window Capture". The older OBS I did not have this issue except for 1 game, this MP version, 2 games are not being detected.

Also, I can't reproduce your scrolling bug in 0.12.2
My OS I am using is Windows 10 64bit, so that could be the case.


Active Member
This I don't see being the issue if I understand what your saying because in each scene, I only have one source of any type of capture
With your game captures, are you using "Add existing" or "Add New"?
Are you using "Capture any fullscreen application" in more than one game capture?

ALL sources in OBS-MP are GLOBAL.

My OS I am using is Windows 10 64bit, so that could be the case.
Nope. Same OS. Can't reproduce your issue.


With your game captures, are you using "Add existing" or "Add New"?
Are you using "Capture any fullscreen application" in more than one game capture?

ALL sources in OBS-MP are GLOBAL.

Add new and the second part, No.

I figured it out by examining your question.
Your questions "Are you using "Capture any fullscreen application" in more than one game capture?" sparked a thought and that was that I don't run 2 of those games in full screen, but in windowed full screen border-less, so I first uninstalled OBS MP and re-installed it and then went to add new and turned off the "Capture any fullscreen application" and switched to "Executable Name" and then they appeared. The one I had that was working had "Capture any fullscreen application" already off so I think the reinstall is what fixed it.

So number 3 is solved.

Nope. Same OS. Can't reproduce your issue.
Okay, I uninstalled and reinstalled. and I figured out the issue, In the Scenes panel in the lower left, if I have 9 or more "Scenes", then clicking on the scroll bar does work both up and down, but if I only have 7 or 8, I can only use my mouse wheel to scroll down. clicking on the bar and dragging it only works going up, and not down. That "Scenes" box only displays 6 and a 1/2 Scenes titles for me. This also effects the "Sources" box as well. Same thing applies to both.

I can make a video to show the issue if needed.
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