Question / Help Battlfield 3 best stream settings?


New Member
Hi ,

im streaming bf3 and i wonder how to get less pixelated stream.

Im using medium presest and 3400 kpd. and quality is 10.

Should i reduse the quality down to 7 ? some dude told me that it should look better when your playing a fps shooting game since you a moving so fast.

So the point is, which settings is best for fast moving games like battlefield 3?

I have 3970x, dual stream setup
ok these are pretty much the best fps settings ul get:
1080p downscaled to 720p lanczos for quality 60 FPS is a MUST imo for fps games but bf3 isnt bad with 30 but 60 is better
3500 bit and buffer lower t0 3k if viewers complain of lag.
7 quality CBR ENABLED (quality doesnt matter with cbr but cbr is great for fps games)
AAC Audio i use 320 bit but i suggest lowering it
check multithreading
Procces priority make sure is 'high'
cpu preset i suggest fast as there is almost 0 diff from med to fast
use CFR