Bug Report Battlefield 3 & 4PL anticheat "Insight"


New Member
Hi guys!

I´d like to stream 4PL BF3 league games and I know, I did it before.
But for a while now it doesn´t work anymore. Maybe it´s since an update of the anticheat software itself. I´m not sure.

When I start streaming while anticheat is active, everything works fine. But after preround, when everybody sets ready and after that the game "restarts" the screen stays black - like BF3 "stops sending picture to OBS".

Is this known or is there a workaround?
We have next match tomorrow and I really want to entertain... =(

Kind regards and - before I forget - THX for this great piece of software!!

I have to describe more detailled I guess.
Game capturing stops but last "frame" of BF3 with "blue loading dot" lower right stays in OBS


My guess is that it launch's another executable file during the restart. try alt+tabing out of the game and add game capture for that aswell.


New Member
Thx for your reply. But strangely it now works again! Maybe due to the Origin Update... don´t know... =)