Batch Select/Move Scenes


New Member
This may be simplistic to ask, but my particular workflow has a set of SCENES that are the same each week for a broadcast, although the sources within the scenes change weekly.). It would be supremely helpful to have the ability to select multiple scenes at once and move them up or down (forward or backward) in a collection all at once. At present, if I need to move 10 scenes (there are about 50 scenes in my production each week), I need to grab each one individually and slide it up into place. Then on to the next, etc. etc. etc. It is so unbelievably cumbersome considering the time crunch I am usually on.

I apologize if this is an unreasonable requst or if I do not completely understand the fine tuning of the code. It's just a hope I have that some day my workload timing can be cut significantly. Thanks in advance for any replys.

Suslik V

Active Member
In which way it should be done? Because selected scene goes to Preview. Transition is starting as soon as you click first scene. This is basic function of OBS scenes and transitioning.
So, how you see it "the ability to select multiple scenes at once"? Which one should be at Preview when multiply scenes are selected?

As workaround, maybe you need to split the scenes to different Scene Collections?


New Member
I support that! I have also made this suggestion before, but unfortunately there was no feedback.

I also work with a lot of scenes (maybe around 100, which are re-arranged for every recording) and it would be very helpful to be able to rearrange them with CTRL+Click or SHIFT+Click.

Maybe an idea would be, that the scene is not activated when you click on it with SHIFT or CTRL? I only use this for preparation, not during recording (I use this for videos, not for streams). It is not used during my streams or recordings.

Suslik V

Active Member
Lets summarize.
  1. Allow selection of multiple scenes for the order actions ("Move Up", "Move Down" etc)
  2. Selection and deselection only by holding Ctrl key and clicking mouse (see p10)
  3. When multiply scenes selected or action from p2 is taken - current scene do not switches (multiple selection do not changes current scene)
  4. Multiple selection of scenes should support drag-n-drop within the Scenes list. All selected items should be inserted in place where mouse being released. If mouse released over block of selected items then all items should be inserted after the item that precedes this block (first not selected item above insertion point).
  5. Multiple selection shouldn't preserved on application restart and resets to single (current) scene selection
  6. Option to select group of scenes always ON and cannot be OFF
  7. Right-click menu over the group of scenes should has: "Order" action
  8. Optional. Right-click menu over the group of scenes should has: "Paste Filters", "Remove", "Order", "Transition Override", "Grid/List Mode" actions
  9. Optional. After any action from p8 taken (but "Remove") - selection should preserve. After action "Remove" taken - selection should reset to the next available scene in the list (single scene selected, transition complete)
  10. After transition by hotkey/plugin/script/websocket is performed - multiple selection should preserve and current scene should be added to the selection. Each switched scene should be added to the selection
  11. When multiple scenes selected current scene should has visible mark. The mark is not interact-able item, cannot be copied, modified (including renaming), cannot be inherited by Scene source, cannot be modified or accessed by websocket, plugins and scripts (cannot be treated as part of the scene's name, in case "asterisk + space" will be used at start of the current scene name, i.e. the "mark" only visible in the Scenes list)
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New Member
Lets summarize.
  1. Allow selection of multiple scenes for the order actions ("Move Up", "Move Down" etc)
  2. Selection and deselection only by holding Ctrl key and clicking mouse (see p10)
  3. When multiply scenes selected or action from p2 is taken - current scene do not switches (multiple selection do not changes current scene)
  4. Multiple selection of scenes should support drag-n-drop within the Scenes list. All selected items should be inserted in place where mouse being released. If mouse released over block of selected items then all items should be inserted after the item that precedes this block (first not selected item above insertion point).
  5. Multiple selection shouldn't preserved on application restart and resets to single (current) scene selection
  6. Option to select group of scenes always ON and cannot be OFF
  7. Right-click menu over the group of scenes should has: "Order" action
  8. Optional. Right-click menu over the group of scenes should has: "Paste Filters", "Remove", "Order", "Transition Override", "Grid/List Mode" actions
  9. Optional. After any action from p8 taken (but "Remove") - selection should preserve. After action "Remove" taken - selection should reset to the next available scene in the list (single scene selected, transition complete)
  10. After transition by hotkey/plugin/script/websocket is performed - multiple selection should preserve and current scene should be added to the selection. Each switched scene should be added to the selection
  11. When multiple scenes selected current scene should has visible mark. The mark is not interact-able item, cannot be copied, modified (including renaming), cannot be inherited by Scene source, cannot be modified or accessed by websocket, plugins and scripts (cannot be treated as part of the scene's name, in case "asterisk + space" will be used at start of the current scene name, i.e. the "mark" only visible in the Scenes list)
That sounds perfect to me! :)