Question / Help Baffling Microphone problem [solved?]


New Member
I am having problems with the input levels of my mic being horribly condensed within OBS, where the difference between Background hiss and me talking is 2 to 4 db only and this problem is only showing up in OBS. I have tested and reconfigured the mic with windows and other programs and there is a huge db range of sensitivity in the mic and the problem is clearly somewhere in OBS.

I am not new to OBS but returning and before the multiple rounds of updating the mic was working. It never worked well as there has always been some degree of this issue with my use of the OBS and without the noise gate there is a constant and steady hiss in the background, even if windows shows no mic input at all, but with the noise gate and audio multiplier I could get it to work. At this point it has so condensed the difference between the volume of silence on the mic and my voice that there is NO setting the noise gate to work and I either have a constant almost speaking level audio hiss or the noise gate is not being triggered and it's not registering my speaking.

Can someone tell me what could be causing this and how I'm supposed to trouble shoot it because I'd really like to see a much realistic range between silence and my talking in OBS, as other audio programs show about 40 db difference on this mic.

Update: I have no idea what if any changes I made because all I did was restart OBS (for about the sixth time since running into this issue) and suddenly it's working better than it ever has. Still picking up background hiss but there is now about a 30db difference between it and my whispering voice and the 40 to 50 db range I should have in my speaking. Still interested in any feedback, as I'm still as baffled as I was, not sure how it was fixed or if this is just a fluke that might happen any time OBS is launched, but for the time being, it seems to be a non-issue now.
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