Question / Help Background noise

Ronald Cz

I have one scene with an image, one other scene with that same image and an audio input with system mic. I see the green bouncing at -40db even though I am not near the mic. On the headphones I hear scratchy noises sounds like bugs.

I am using a dynamic but cheap radio shack mic with 1/8 inch jack mic in the front panel.
I am running in admin role otherwise I have problems with audio drivers not loading or going out in OBS.

Mic properties in windows
- Levels at 90%
-Microphone boost at 0%
-all off except Immediate Mode
-Check allow applications
- Check give exclusive mode
Add Audio input capture
-Then add filter to increase gain unless you use Focusrite 18i20
-Then add noise suppression

I have attached the log file.

Background noise.jpg


  • 2020-04-10 00-06-27.txt
    9.7 KB · Views: 36


Active Member
About audio: make sure OBS and every audio device on your system is running with the same sampling frequency, for example 48000.

It hasn't anything to do with the audio, but in the log I see you have a Nvidia Quadro K2000D as primary GPU and a GTX 1650 as second card. Your monitor is connected to the Quadro, and the GTX 1650 is laying in waste, being not used at all. The GTX is almost 5 times as powerful as the Quadro, so you should probably switch your monitor over the the GTX.


Active Member
This is pretty standard, especially for cheap, unbalanced mics which have a high noise floor and poor self-noise suppression.

You can try adding a Downward Expander filter to the mic; set the threshold just above where it normally hovers when 'idle', and raise the ratio slowly. Essentially this will work to make quiet sounds quieter, without the harsh cut-off of a noise gate (a noise gate is generally just a very aggressive expander).

Ronald Cz

doing some testing bouncing the mouse on the table while hold the mic up high I see the high definition audio bouncing even though the Mic is plugged in. Why would stereo mix be bouncing when I bang the mouse?

I can also hear the mouse clicks and movements when in photoshop.

I disable all other sources with just microphone enable but still the bouncing continues .

taping mouse on table see both bounce mic in holding.jpg


New Member
the problem with ground noise or white noise and filters not working with high end microphones. answer is at the bottom is the Audio Mixer window. when your mic shows up. right click and Add the filters there. some filters work some dont.

Ronald Cz

koala " Your monitor is connected to the Quadro, and the GTX 1650 is laying in waste "

What difference would it make what graphics card the monitor is plugged into? I guess to show rendering in Premiere it would matter but not in the exporting of the video.


Active Member
koala " Your monitor is connected to the Quadro, and the GTX 1650 is laying in waste "

What difference would it make what graphics card the monitor is plugged into? I guess to show rendering in Premiere it would matter but not in the exporting of the video.
The 1650 is only going to accelerate video for monitors plugged into it. OBS can only use the resources of the card it's running on.
It's not going to make a difference for the audio issue, but for anything else? Very much so.
It's like having a high-performance car sitting in the driveway, but driving around in a beater pick-up truck all the time.

Just being in the system isn't going to do anything. It isn't a coprocessor expansion or something, speeding up the Quadro... if you have no monitors connected to it, you may as well not have it in the system at all. Well, unless you're using it for Bitcoin mining, I suppose.

To be clear, if you're doing 3D modelling with multiple viewports? The Quadro is great. Consumer nVidia cards don't handle that sort of workload well. But for gaming, video editing, and the like? The 1650 is going to be much more powerful than the old Quadro.
Here's a benchmark comparison:

You really, REALLY should swap your monitors over the 1650, and probably just remove the Quadro entirely. It's... not doing much, while the potential of your system is just... sitting there. Entirely un-used.

Ronald Cz

I had to get the Quadro 2000 because the specifications for Avid NLE required a quadro. I don't do Avid anymore just Premiere. Thanks for the write up I will make the change.